Monday, May 2, 2011


So, when I graduated from college, I decided to write my goals down. I figured that by writing down my goals, I would be more likely to remember them and try to achieve those goals. 

Goals are personal. They  are intimate dreams that only you can work toward. And currently it is May. I wrote these goals in January. And I have done little to nothing to achieve what goals I can currently accomplish.

My Goals included:
1. Get into Grad School
2. Complete Grad school by 2014
3. Have a baby by 2015
4. Get a Job with PBVSD
5. Go on a cruise before Grad school
6. Hang wall art in my new place
7. Attend a photography workshop
8. Create a budget
9. Live in a duplex at some point in life
10. Buy a house at some point in life
11. Read 10 Books between Biola and gradschool
12. Cook dinner three nights a week
13. Save money

Ok, so there they are. Sitting there.  Hopefully motivating me forward. I have only accomplished one goal (and is was mainly because Jay did it.)Anyway, when I originally wrote the goal of reading 10 books before gradschool, that was suppose to be accomplished in 9 months time. I am still determined to read 10 books before Sept. (when gradschool would have started, if I were going, which I am not). Well, actually 9 because I just finished my first book, The Help. It was really good.

I am learning that goals are like anything in life. They need some adjustment along the way, and may change entirely.

Do you write down your goals?


  1. Cute post! I am glad you found my blog! Yours is too cute as well! :) I read The Help as well, I can't wait to see the movie!

  2. You are challenging Ally, in a good way. So right... "Goals are intimate dreams that only you can work toward."
