Monday, June 6, 2011

Celebratiing one whole year...

Last weekend was a blast. Really, it was. I don't often say things were 'a blast.' But last weekend really was. Downtown San Diego is so nice and we had such a great time celebrating our first whole year of marriage. It was awesome. 
We were able to do some pretty great things. 

Padres Game. Nice Dinner. Beach. 
Check, check & check.

We also saw some weird things.
You know, big city=weird people.

Invitation to meditation & Yoga. Funeral on the beach. Tai chi chanting drowing out the funeral.
Check, check & check.

Picnik collage
The best part was getting good quality time with the one I love the most. The second best part was the food. Seriously.


  1. congrats on 1 year!! sounds like you had a fun & special weekend... & your pictures are really cute!! :)

  2. happy anniversary! i love san diego!

  3. you are beautiful and i love the dress!
