Monday, August 22, 2011

Back from Oz...

Well, after over 24 hours in the car, we made it. We drove from Temecula, CA, to Lawrence, KS in two days.
Picnik collage
And, while being in the car for that long isn't that fun, it was a lot of fun hanging out with Lauren. I so happy that I got to spend time with her before the start of her big adventure of grad school.

Picnik collage
We saw some beautiful country.
And I learned some things.
Like there are 75 Speed Limits out there in the vast expanse of our country.
People in other states actually drive the speed limit.
Colorado is beautiful.
Locusts are LOUD.
Don't complain about Bakersfield heat anymore, 66% humidity in the Midwest is HOT.

It was a super fun trip. And now it is back to reality.

Lauren, miss you.


  1. your photos really capture that roadtrip feeling, so fun!! & i have to agree that "Colorado is beautiful"... i am blessed to call it home & i love it! :)

  2. Miss you too! So glad you were able to come with!

  3. i haven't forgotten your text. we want to see you guys! i just have been working. yeppppp back to work. blah. text you soon.
