This is NOT coffee table love. This is the opposite. This is old-Ikea-secondhand-fake-yellow-wood coffee table. The table has really made the rounds. Before it belonged to us, it was owned by Jay's sister. Then he used it for two years in college. Then I used it for a year in college. It has really taken a beating. It has been very loyal to us. However, I hated it. It is big and ugly.We wondered, is it really worth trying to fix? Someone asked, is it sturdy enough to fix? Sturdy! Ha. I have seen at least two girls dancing on this table at one point. Sturdy is not its problem. Ugliness is. Like I said, the table has taken a beating.
We decided that it needed a second chance. I mean, come on. It has been really good to us. So we took it to Jay's workshop.
That sounds really official. It's not. Jay doesn't have a real workshop. We live in an apartment. You don't get attached workshops in apartments, although, that would be awesome. His workshop is his parent's backyard.
So, we sanded it, primed it, painted it. We added an awesome top. Made out of palettes. That we got for FREE. Palettes are great. Well, Jay added an awesome top. I did the painting. We work as a team, always.
So here it is. Finished product. Now it is coffee table love. We put a coat of poly on the top. This picture shows it drying. So exciting.
Here is the craftsman by his workmanship. Very proud.
Finished product sitting in our apartment. Seriously, how do you not love this table.
I get to be your first comment-er! I am so honored to be a pre-screener of this beautiful blog. (if commenting wasn't part of the deal, feel free to delete)
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say is, are you trying to channel PW with that picture of Jayson's butt? I think you are. :)
I'll try to be more constructive - I love the background, it's so you. And I love the posts of your wedding. I love that I was there! It was a great day.
I'm glad you noticed. Hopefully PW will rub off on me and inspire me!