Last Friday, Jay had the day off! I loved it. It is rare that we get to spend an entire weekday together. It was awesome. So, since we had the whole day together, we woke up and didn't know what to do with ourselves. We had the WHOLE day. Go on a hike? Go for a bikeride? Do a project? Jay said he felt like building something. Sure. I went with it. What shall we build? Hmmm.
After my coffee table post, I had received a message from a friend asking if we could make a bench. Well, we hadn't made a bench... We didn't know. So Jay thought before we committed to making something for someone, we could make one for ourselves to see how it came out. {When I say 'We', I shouldn't because Jay does all of the work.}
Anyway, we have a little bar in our kitchen and I really wanted to buy some bar stools. But we really don't like spending money. So this is how the idea for our long bench-bar stool came about. I wanted a bar stool and Jay wanted to build. So we got busy!
Back to the workshop!The table saw!
Here he is! The moustache is growing in nicely, I might add.
At one point during the project, Jay received a call from his work with the news that someone came in to get propane and also offered to buy one of their shop cats (Babushka). The man wanted Babushka in order to make carne asada. Or should I say gato asada. Thought you would want to know. Weird things happen.
The little bench bar stool is taking shape. What a guy!
While Jay was out there, working hard, I was wandering around doing silly things. Did some laundry. Painted a few frames white from our frame wall, sanded a rack, painted a rack, and took pictures of this silly dog. His name is Hunter. He is really a crotchety old man stuck in a dog body. He doesn't really enjoy being petted or played with. He gets agitated when a human face gets to close to his face. Kisses, forget it. Picking him up and cuddling him, no way. He growls. He exposes his old-man doggie dentures. And even when I went in here to take pictures of him, he just acted annoyed. Leave him alone, it is for your own good. He makes you feel insecure. Why doesn't this dog like me? 
Ok, back to the point.
Here is the bench being painted. We white-washed the top and gave the legs a coat of a gray/blue.
And here it is in our APT! It is perfect. We have eaten there. We use it! Yay! I sit here often while I am on my computer. It is a perfect little work space.
Bench Barstool = Complete
This project took one whole day. We spend a little under $20 to complete it.
i love the bench!
ReplyDeletehappy day!