Thursday, March 24, 2011


 Spring-zilla is here... Yay! There have been warm, sunny days and spring storms. However, it is fleeting quickly. I can feel it in my bones. Summer is coming. Summer. The best season of all. The season of vacations. Of love. Of late night adventures. Of SnoShack. Of BBQs. Of pool parties. And warm memories.
Back to spring. It's doesn't stick around in the valley. It will be 101 degrees before you know it. But while it is still wonderful, I am soakin' it up. Here are some Diana pics to prove that is can be beautiful in Bakersfield. Taken on, none other than the Bike Trail!

 I love the green grasses and white puffy clouds.

Makes you want to go on the Bike Trail, huh? I know... I have really been promoting it lately. But what can I say, I love it. 


  1. Always such lovely photographs! Indeed I must find this Diana. You make me really wish it were summer again too. :)

  2. Life as it should be... Remember our summer list...I like you.
