Saturday, June 11, 2011

This day.

I am getting excited. Only 4 days until I travel up to Washington for Michelle's Wedding! So excited to celebrate this special day with my friends. So excited to see these crazy girls and hang out!
This weekend will be spent doing laundry, packing, and getting ready for the trip.

Also, this weekend, I am going to my good friend Kaylah's graduation get-together. She graduates TODAY.
Congratulations Kaylah!!!!
These pictures were taken at our highschool graduation in 2006. HAHA!!! So funny.
People, this is not what we look like anymore. We have blossomed into beautiful young women with good heads on our shoulders. These photos were taken when we 18. And silly. Do not judge us. Please.
Anyway, Kaylah. So proud of you, friend!


  1. ha! You both totally look the same. :) Maybe like 3 months older. Look at your hair though! So red...I almost forgot when you used to do that.


  2. whatever! 3 months! my face really rounded out in 3 months. you are ridiculous...

    and my hair. remember when it used to look like a planet?!

  3. i love this post! because i am am in it!
    :) you know it's true. haha.
    love YOU counting down with you!

  4. Totally remember the planet hair! It was like Jupiter.

    And not changing my little young'ens you!

